April Patterson, PT, MSPT
April Patterson, PT, MSPT
April earned her Master of Science degree in Physical Therapy in 2003 from Northeastern University in Boston, MA. As a previous collegiate division 1 soccer player, avid runner, and a competitive figure skater, she had sustained numerous sports-related injuries. She could relate to her athletic and orthopedic patients undergoing the physical therapy rehabilitative process.
April combines her pelvic and orthopedic physical therapy knowledge, skills, experience and advanced training to evaluate and treat the whole body, which is integrally connected.
Originally, April’s PT practice focused on Orthopedics and Sports Medicine. She became a Board Certified Orthopedic Clinical Specialist in 2008. During this time, she sought treatment for her own chronic pelvic pain, PGAD, hip, and back pain through pelvic therapists and other skilled practitioners. She addressed her conditions through a comprehensive, whole body, conservative, and holistic approach. After giving birth to her second child, she shifted her practice focus to pursue specialized training in pelvic floor physical therapy, myofascial, visceral, cranialsacral, and neural mobilization manual therapy techniques. She found these treatment techniques to be vital to her own healing process and return to full function, and wanted to provide this expertise to her patients.
April combines her pelvic and orthopedic physical therapy knowledge, skills, experience, and advanced training to evaluate and treat the whole body, which is integrally connected. She utilizes a combination of manual therapy, education, therapeutic exercise, and neuro-muscular re-education, to help each patient on their journey to feeling whole, returning to optimal function and the activities that they love.
April is a member of ISSWSH (International Society of the Study of Women’s Sexual Health), SMSNA (Sexual Medicine Society of North America), ISSM (International Society for Sexual Medicine), and the Academy of Pelvic Health section of the APTA (American Physical Therapy Association).
Currently a patient consultant for
The Center of Excellence for Genito-Pelvic Dysesthesias